Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My reason for this blog

I assume that by simply getting to this blog, you must know what is. Otherwise, I shall enlighten you. used to be where an awesome chinese artist kept all his artwork to share with the rest of the world. But for some reason that site has died and has been replaced with an annoying ad site, you know what Im talking about I assume.

Anyways, this blog is so people can find his artwork without having to dig throughout the internet just for that one picture they want. At some point I saved a lot of his artwork, not all, but some at least, and I put it on a back-up disc. I found out the site was down, read how people everywhere can't find any of his work, so here I am giving you that slight glimmer of hope...Enjoy :D

(Just look at my other posts and click on the larger images for full image, pics have titles to help you find that certain one you've been looking for)


  1. Hey I really appreciate what you have done here... I was utterly horrified when i saw the site was gone. (ok not utterly horrified, but I was pretty sad)

    Thanks again! You rock!

  2. Hey Man, Thank U so very much, for days now I have been googling for Blizzard art and it pulls up a search page of some sort.

    Really appreaciate ur thought and Thanks once again

  3. yes dude! thanks a lot. been year looking for this, that was an awesome site. i stoped looking some time ago but i always remember cause i drew a copy of one of them.

  4. I want to thank you for going through the work to post these pictures. I had spent hours looking for any clues. Now my search is over
